Werde jetzt Dein eigener Chef und starte Deinen eigenen Onlineshop

Wie ich jeden Tag 3000 – 5000€ Umsatz erwirtschafte mit nur einem einzigen Onlineshop mit weniger als 1-2h Zeitaufwand pro Tag AUF Autopilot

Ohne mein Haus zu verlassen, ohne mein Gesicht im Internet zu zeigen oder großen finanziellen Aufwand zu haben ...

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Über mich

Ich habe bereits über zehn Millionen mit meinen E-Commerce-Geschäften verdient. Meine Familie und ich sind finanziell und geografisch unabhängig. In den letzten 14 Jahren hatte ich das Glück, einen reizenden Partner zu haben. Außerdem habe ich eine entzückende und intelligente 2 jährige Tochter. Ich habe die Freiheit, so viel oder so wenig zu arbeiten, wie ich will, und trotzdem Zeit für die Menschen zu haben, die mir wichtig sind.

Jetzt, wo ich ein Anwesen in den Bergen und ein Haus am Strand besitze, ist ein weiterer Teil meiner Vision in Erfüllung gegangen. Haushälterinnen und Köche sind jetzt im Rahmen des Möglichen. So kann ich mich auf meine Karriere konzentrieren. Was immer ich mir wünsche, ich kann es haben. Ich habe gelernt, wie ich mein Geld sinnvoll einsetzen kann. Aber am wichtigsten ist, dass ich hier bin, um jeden zu unterstützen, der es braucht!

Only A Few Days Left

This Offer Expires By Aug 26, 2022

Only $27.00 Today

(Save $23.00 today)

Get Instant Access To The Course For $50 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.

Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Wo ich herkomme

Mit zwei Schwestern und vier Brüdern waren wir Einwanderer und lebten in diesem alten Haus in einer kleinen deutschen Gemeinde. Wir hatten sehr wenig Geld. Also wurde täglich darüber gesprochen. Ich habe als Kind gelernt, dass ich studieren muss, wenn ich ein besseres Leben haben will. Das tat ich. Und ich studierte, weil ich vorhatte, durch das Studium einen besseren Job und ein besseres Leben zu erreichen.

Nach dem Studium bekam ich den am schlechtesten bezahlten Job und machte eine Menge unbezahlter Überstunden. Das Gehalt reichte nicht aus, um eine Familie in einer teuren Stadt zu ernähren. Ich war krank und deprimiert. Ich habe festgestellt, dass praktisch jeder eine ähnliche Geschichte hat. Aber nicht jeder hat den Mut, etwas zu ändern. Ich konnte alles, was ich bis dahin gelernt hatte, über Bord werfen und musste etwas Neues versuchen.

Nach vielen Anstrengungen, Fehlern und Erfolgen bin ich nun ein Mensch, der in einem Monat eine halbe Million verdient hat. Und ich habe ein regelmäßiges monatliches Einkommen im fünf bis sechsstelligen Bereich mit der großartigen Unterstützung meines Mannes und eines großartigen Teams.

Wir können von überall aus arbeiten und haben viel Zeit für unseren 2-Jährigen Engel. Wir lieben es! Viele meiner Freunde und Verwandten haben es mir nachgemacht! Und ich möchte noch mehr Menschen helfen, diese Freiheit zu erlangen! Nichts ist schöner, als anderen Menschen zu helfen, ihren Traum zu verwirklichen.

Meine Mission

Ich helfe jungen Frauen und Familien, finanzielle Freiheit zu finden, indem wir einen hochprofitablen Online-Shop aufbauen, der auf Autopilot verkauft. Wir leiten Dich an, Dein eigenes E-Commerce- Geschäft im 6-stelligen Bereich aufzubauen, indem wir skalierbare Vertriebssysteme implementieren.

Aim Higher Academy

The 20 hour course where you will learn the Aim Higher Academy system

Pre-Built High-Converting Appointment Funnel Template

You’re going to get our HIGHEST-CONVERTING appointment funnel.

Fill In The Gaps Copy

All you have to do is copy and paste and fill in the blanks.

10+ Proven Ad Templates

Get 10+ of our proven ad templates which are proven to deliver high-quality appointments.

Email Templates

Get ALL of our email templates we use. All you have to do is fill in the blanks!

Community Access

Get access to a community of like-minded Business Owners.


„… It’s been really magical to see how easy it is to get appointments, high-quality appointments to fill up your schedule“


„…I found the course simple, easy to follow, no fluff. It was very much step 1, step 2, step 3… I found it very simple and easy and to be honest it was kinda refreshing to see something that’s no fluff.“


„…In the first day we booked 5 appointments and closed the first 2 worth $1,950.“

"Ich liebe es, Teil der E-Commerce Community von Mehmi zu sein. Mehmi tut alles, um dir bei deinem Geschäft zu helfen. Sie ist voller einzigartiger Ideen und Strategien, die du nutzen kannst, um dein Geschäft zu vergrößern oder zu wachsen. Darüber hinaus wirst du Teil einer Gemeinschaft, die dir hilft und dich anleitet. Ich kann ihren Kurs nur empfehlen."

Marie S.| FAZIT Nach 2 Monaten Zusammenarbeit


Mein Ziel ist es, Menschen aller Altersgruppen und Fähigkeiten zu ermutigen, ihren eigenen erfolgreichen Microbranding-E-Commerce- Shop zu erstellen. Unser Ziel ist es, einen persönlichen Service zu bieten, der das volle Potenzial jedes Kunden ausschöpft. Wir leiten Dich an, Dein eigenes E-Commerce Geschäft aufzubauen, indem wir skalierbare Vertriebs-, Marketing- und Angebotssysteme einführen. Dieses Intensiv-Training wurde entwickelt, um dir zu helfen, ein hochprofitables und erfolgreiches E-Commerce Geschäft aufzubauen und es mit dem richtigen Team und den richtigen Systemen zu automatisieren!

Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg

  1.  Mit kugelsicheren Strategien arbeiten
  2. Habe einen Coach, der bereits dort ist, wo du sein willst
  3. Habe eine klare Vorstellung davon, was du willst
  4. Hab Spaß an der Sache

Wenn wir das tun, wozu wir bestimmt sind, kommt das Geld zu uns, die Türen öffnen sich für uns, wir fühlen uns nützlich und die Arbeit, die wir tun, fühlt sich für uns wie ein Spiel an.

Das Dropshipping-Modell bietet zahlreiche Vorteile und ist in Kombination mit unseren Blaupausen unschlagbar. Jeden Tag besuchen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt unsere Shops und wir erhalten tausende von Bestellungen jeden einzelnen Monat…

…Du musst kein Vermögen für Inventar ausgeben, deshalb sind die Start-up-Kosten wesentlich geringer….

…Du kannst ganz einfach testen, welches Produkt am besten ankommt….

…Du musst keinen Lagerplatz beschaffen, denn die Ware wird direkt an den Kunden verschickt. Der Supplier wird sich um die Koordinierung und die Lieferung kümmern….

Wie Milli, "Ich arbeite erst seit kurzem mit Mehmi zusammen, aber der Unterschied, den sie bereits für mein Geschäft gemacht hat, ist erstaunlich. Ich habe mich bei Mehmi angemeldet, weil ich ihre unvoreingenommene Herangehensweise und ihr strategisches Denken mochte. Ich habe schon mit vielen "Business-Coaches" zusammengearbeitet, die mich zwar gut angefeuert haben, aber keine Logik anwenden konnten. Mehmi hebt mein Unternehmen auf die nächste Stufe. Die beste Investition, die mein Unternehmen je getätigt hat!"

Hier ist eine andere Unternehmerin, die unsere Strategien anwendet hat...

Vicky, die sich vor ein paar Wochen für den Kickstart Your Brand-Kurs angemeldet hat und bald darauf ihre ersten Verkäufe feiern konnte!

Und obwohl sie nach wenigen Wochen bereits 5 Bestellungen pro Tag bekommen hat, ist das noch nicht das Beste…

Das Beste ist, dass Vicky nicht ein einzige Lieferung selber Verpacken und Verschicken musste.

Das stimmt, statt Zeit mit der Logistik zu verschwenden, konnte einfach Zeit für und Ihre Familie haben.

Und Vicky ist auch nicht die Einzige…

Das ist Martina, ein weiteres Mitglied der Kickstart your Microbrand Academy, der sich vor nicht allzu langer Zeit bei der Kickstart your Microbrand angemeldet hat...

Hier ist ein andere Unternehmerin, der diese Strategien anwendet...

Das ist Janet, die nach 2 Monaten ihre ersten Verkäufe erzielt hat!

Vicky, Martin & Janet sind eine Gruppe von Unternehmern, die die Dinge anders angehen...

Und du kannst WETTEN…

Dieses Modell der KickStart Your Microbrand Academy ist anders als alle anderen Methoden, von denen du bisher gehört hast…

…Es ist etwas völlig anderes, weil…

Tatsächlich erfolgreich im E-Commerce zu sein war nie so einfach wie JETZT

Anstatt so weiterzumachen wie bis jetzt...

Wie ich schon sagte…
Das ist etwas ganz anderes und es hat die Macht, alles für dich zu verändern…
… und ich weiß, dass das wahr ist…

Denn es hat für mich und meine Kunden alles verändert.

Das Modell der Kickstart Your Microbrand Academy hat es mir und meinen Kunden ermöglicht, 99% des ganzen Blödsinns loszuwerden, den wir in Sachen Marketing und Logistik gehasst haben…

Die Kickstart Your Microbrand Academy hat mir gezeigt was alles möglich ist und es mir ermöglicht, sehr freudig und gelassen in die Zukunft zu schauen.

So sah das Leben von mir und meinen Kundinnen früher aus (und wenn du jemals Angestellt warst, kannst du das sicher nachvollziehen).

Ich nenne das den „Leben im Hamsterrad“:

Ja, das Leben im Hamsterrad war nicht nur scheiße, sondern hat mich 7 Jahre lang festgehalten – und mich dazu gezwungen, meine Ziele und Träume nicht laut auszusprechen und nur für mich zu behalten.

Um ehrlich zu sein…

… hätte ich die Vorstellung, jeden Monat so viel zu verdienen, dass ich mir über Geld keine Gedanken zu machen brauch, fast aufgegeben.

… Aber bevor ich aufgegeben habe…

wollte ich etwas ausprobieren.

Etwas, das – wenn es funktioniert.

es alles verändern würde.

Und wie du gleich herausfinden wirst, habe ich etwas versucht…

… Es hat funktioniert…

Und ich habe Jahre damit verbracht, es in ein System zu verwandeln…

Und ich habe dieses ganze System in ein 120-Tage Coaching namens "Kickstart Your Microbrand" gepackt, den du in wenigen Augenblicken kennen lernen kannst...

Aber bevor du das tust.

möchte ich mich gerne vorstellen und dir erzählen, wie es zu all dem kam.

Mein Name ist Mehmi Schulz…

Diesen Namen hast du wahrscheinlich noch nie gehört. Das ist gewollt.

Mein Leben ist ziemlich gut… Ich arbeite schon seit ein paar Jahren im E-Commerce…

Ich betreibe mehrere Online Shops und erwirtschafte Umsätze du die unten im Screenshots entnehmen kannst:

Marketing und Skalierung ist einer der wichtigsten Fähigkeiten, die du beherrschen musst, wenn du dein Geschäft ausbauen willst

Denk einfach darüber nach:

Willst du wissen, was der Hauptunterschied zwischen dem Kick Start you Microbranding Modell und der "alten Methode" ist?

Die meisten Unternehmer suchen ständig nach Möglichkeiten Geld zu verdienen.

Und das Ergebnis dieses neuen Weges?

Umsätze von denen auch ich am Anfang nicht dachte, dass es möglich wäre.

Meine Ergebnisse halten nun schon seit 4 Jahren an.

Wo wir gerade von dem Modell sprechen…

Ich werde etwas mit dir teilen, das ein bisschen beunruhigend ist.

Es geht um Folgendes:

Ich schade meinem Geschäft, wenn ich dir das hier zeige.

Und die anderen Gurus da draußen verdienen eine Menge Geld, indem sie das Gegenteil von dem lehren, was ich lehre (nur dass es nicht funktioniert).

Bist du bereit dafür?

The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes Is Chasing Clients, Not Advising Clients...

Here’s why:

There are two types of Business out there.

There are the „Chasers“ and there are „Advisers“.

For my first 3 years – Me and my clients were Chasers.

Chasers are always out there trying to get the next client. Spending hours a day following up on leads, sending proposals and cold calling which never amount to anything… Or even worse not having any leads at all to follow up.

Their strategy is to try to get more „leads for their business“. While not focusing on getting actual booked appointments with a time and date locked in.

And by focusing on this strategy – they spend a ton of time on..

All of this requires time and energy.

The problem isn’t the model itself it’s caused by the „status quo“. Most businesses believe that they need more „leads“. When in reality what they need is actual appointments. „Leads“ are not appointments, leads are just people who have „expressed an interest in your services“.

An appointment is actually someone who is looking for ADVICE about how you can help them solve their problem.

And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the Aim Higher Marketing Academy model.
The solution?

Instead Of Chasing Clients... Advise Clients.

That’s right…

You see, by using the system we have developed clients book an appointment with you because they want to know how you can help solve their problem.

As clients actually book this appointment with you with a time and date, they want to learn how you specifically can help them and they actually WANT TO SPEAK WITH YOU.

Rather than having „leads“ which don’t answer the phone or respond to emails.

…Because I’d rather get hundreds of appointments actually scheduled into my clients calendars every single month instead of chasing „leads“ all the time trying to achieve the exact same thing.

No thanks. I did that before and it sucks.

So here’s the deal…

…I explain everything in Aim Higher Marketing Academy, it’s a 20 hour course that shows you everything you need to know.

So Here's The Idea Behind The Aim Higher Academy Model

Right now, as you’re reading this very page…

There’s a lot of activity happening in the world of Business.

The internet has changed everything – for everyone – businesses have to adopt to the latest and greatest technological advances or lose to those that do.

This has created a huge problem for Business Owners as most are living in the past…

Now, most of these Business Owners are looking for a new solution…

And as you may have guessed it – we have it.

And what’s really cool is that by booking appointments directly into your calendar you lock in a time and date to speak to that person. You also are actually speaking to people who are interested in your services.

That's Right - You Only Speak To People Who Are Actually Interested In Your Services Rather Than Spending Hours Every Single Week Chasing Leads, Cold Calling, Sending Emails & Sending Proposals.

And that’s where the Aim Higher Academy comes in…

It does this beautifully in 3 easy steps…

And that’s the difference here.

When you approach your marketing using this model the results are amplified and sustainable.

Is calling and emailing every single lead you get sustainable over the long term? Taking hours of your valuable time up every single day.

The short answer is… No.

I’m not saying running ads for leads is bad.

What I’m saying if your goal is getting hundreds of high-quality appointments every month, Running ads for „Leads“ might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!

Running ads for leads requires you to call and email ALL the leads, then gauge if they are actually interested. That’s if you can get them to answer the phone in the first place.

The new way just requires you to show up on time for the appointment.

And that’s why this is different.

And You Know What? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

You can get hundreds of high-quality appointments every single month!
And once you start using this Aim Higher Academy model…

Getting high-quality appointments isn’t something you ever need to worry about again – or even think about.

It’s something that will happen naturally if you complete the entire course.

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now – set it to 7 Days from today.

Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the Aim Higher Academy Course.

That’s when you’ll start seeing your first appointments get booked into your calendar.

That’s how easy this is.

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…

And Just A Few Years Ago… I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such Model Existed…

…But, today I know better.


I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to run ads.

I promise you this…

Anyone can get as many appointments as they want with the right model (more on this below)..

Ultimately I want you to know one thing..

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

Because others are doing it too right now within the Aim Higher Academy Community…

Here are some recent posts:

Und hier ist ein weiterer Grund Auch du kannst das tun

Ich habe 1 Jahr gebraucht, um das herauszufinden…

…und ein weiteres Jahr, um es zu perfektionieren.

Damit ist klar, dass es für dich nichts mehr herauszufinden gibt.

Ich habe die ganze harte Arbeit bereits für dich erledigt.

Ich habe alles herausgefunden.

Das bedeutet, dass es für dich nichts mehr zu „ergründen“ gibt.

Du musst dich nur zum Strategiegespräch anmelden und das Wichtigste von allem – das Coaching umsetzen!

Das war’s…

Here’s The Exact 3 Step System Revealed In The Aim Higher Academy Course For Overloading Your Calendar With High Quality Appointments

Those are the 3 steps to pack your calendar full of high-quality appointments.

All of this is revealed in the 20 hours of content inside the Aim Higher Academy Course in step-by-step detail.

Making it a counterintuitive approach to filling your calendar with high-quality appointments for the person that seeks a steady stream of new clients for their Business.

And that’s not all, because…

Here's What Else You're Going To Discover In The Aim Higher Academy

All Explained In Section 1

All Explained In Section 2

All Explained In Section 3

All Explained In Section 4

All Explained In Section 5

All Explained In Section 6

All Explained In Section 7

All Explained In Section 8

All Explained In Section 9

All Explained In Section 10

If getting high-quality appointments is what you seek, this is the ultimate course on how to get it.

Plus I'm Going To Give You Our Pre-Built High-Converting Appointment Funnel Template

You’re going to get our HIGHEST-CONVERTING appointment funnel.

And Before You Get Access To The Aim Higher Marketing Academy Course… I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn’t one of them.

There’s NO hidden „continuity program“ you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I’m literally giving you this entire course, for $27.00, as a means of „putting my best foot forward“ and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is…

I was planning on selling this course for $97…

Then I sold the Aim Higher Academy Course for $47 and over 300 people signed up at that price….

…Which was was great, but then I realised hey – this is a course it doesn’t cost me anything to sell other than a few bucks to advertise it.

By Lowering The Price To $27.00 It Allows Me To Impact More People And Help Them Fill Their Calendars With Hundreds Of High Quality Appointments

I consider that at true win/win…

Also in most cases, I break even when selling the course at this price.

It costs me just over $25.00 in advertising expense to sell one course.

So why would I do that?

Simple. I’m making this offer with the idea that you’ll be very impressed with what I’m giving you today, and you’ll want to do more business with me in the future.

I’m betting that you’ll enjoy the course so much, you’ll call and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me.

Pretty straightforward.

Anyway – with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

You're Also Getting Fill In The Gaps Copy...

Our fill in the gaps copy template will save you countless hours! Just copy and paste our template we have tried and tested over the years. All you need to do is fill in the blanks.

And there’s no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the course.

Plus I’m also including these amazing bonuses valued at $985

– Community Access
– 10+ Proven Ad Templates
– Email Templates

Oh. And in case you’re wondering …


Of course there’s a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it’s …

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

And even though it’s only $27.00

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Access the course ,study the content, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

We’ll refund you your $27.00 and let you keep the Aim Higher Marketing Academy course free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind…

This Offer Expires On Aug 25, 2022


(Save $23.00 today)

Get Instant Access To The Course For $50 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Access

I’ll talk to you in our private FB Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you get access to Aim Higher Academy.

Until then, to your success,

P.S. Remember, the Aim Higher Academy comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Watch It, study it, implement it, get results.

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) – just let me know and we’ll refund you your $27.00.

All Explained In Section 1

All Explained In Section 2

All Explained In Section 3

All Explained In Section 4

All Explained In Section 5

All Explained In Section 6

All Explained In Section 7

All Explained In Section 8

All Explained In Section 9

All Explained In Section 10


(Save $23.00 today)

Get Instant Access To The Course For $50 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Access

Here's What Others Have To Say


„… I just made my first ad live last week, already have 24 appointments costing an average of $2.31 each! So far I have 4 new clients who signed up right on the call! Thank you Aim Higher!!! This is the breakthrough I’ve been looking for!“


„… That’s a win for this week! I’ve always found Facebook Ads really confusing but the system Aim Higher teach make it so easy. So far I have had 16 appointments and 2 new clients for my coaching business!“

Frequently Asked Questions

This course is designed for Business Owners who want a better way to get high-quality appointments booked directly into their calendars.

Aim Higher Academy is a course and a systematic approach to get hundreds of high-quality appointments every single month. It is not a fad that comes and goes. Aim Higher Academy is about the system to get actual appointments booked into your calendar, rather than spending your time „chasing clients“.

This Aim Higher Academy special offer really is special. We wanted to make it so good that you’d feel stupid by not ordering it if having a predictable way to get hundreds of high-quality appointments every single month is of any interest to you. What you’ll get in this special offer includes the Aim Higher Academy, 10+ of our proven Ad Templates, Email templates, community access, appointment template and you get the Aim Higher Academy mentorship program included!

Generally all the other stuff out there teaches people how to get „Leads“. Aim Higher Marketing Academy is different because we don’t want you to get „Leads“. We want you to get actual appointments and inside this 20 hour course we give you the exact blueprint for you to achieve that.

Yes. Nothing was held back while writing creating this course but for the people that want to further assistance we do offer opportunities to „upgrade“ your order after purchasing.

Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it’s not for you. I even let you keep the course.


(Save $23.00 today)

Get Instant Access To The Course For $50 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Access


„… O M G! First month done. 153 appointments with 23 new clients! What an amazing program. I literally tell everyone I see about it. Thank you Aim Higher!“


„… 13 appointments done! 2 new clients!“


„… Boom… 13 appointments done today with 2 new clients for solar panel installation.“


„… What an amazing first week! I made my ad live just a couple of days ago and already have 13 appointments booked in! Aim Higher make it so easy. I loved the ad and email templates. So far they seem to be performing well. I love you Aim Higher!“


„… So… Here we go. I started my first ad running last week as I was looking to get my monthly clients for myself as I am a chiropractor.


$100 ad spend, 20 appointments, 3 no shows and 4 new monthly clients!

Really impressed with this program.

Thank you guys for creating this. I also now have more time to treat patients as I am not on the phone with leads all the time.“


„… Good afternoon. How is everybody doing? Me? I’m great thanks to Aim Higher. I tried two different ads before finding my winner. I got 29 appointments with 3 no shows and 6 new monthly clients for my Marketing Agency! That means approximately $12,000 in new revenue per month.“


„… Just been day 2 of my ad run, and I have booked 24 appointments. Cost per appointment is $0.63. Works like a charm. Thanks Luke.“

Pre-Built High-Converting Appointment Funnel Template

You’re going to get our HIGHEST-CONVERTING appointment funnel.

Fill In The Gaps Copy

All you have to do is copy and paste and fill in the blanks.

10+ Proven Ad Templates

Get 10+ of our proven ad templates which are proven to deliver high-quality appointments.

Email Templates

Get ALL of our email templates we use. All you have to do is fill in the blanks!

Community Access

Get access to a community of like-minded Business Owners.

3 Steps To Hundreds Of High-Quality Consultations Every Single Month

Get The Aim Higher Academy


(Save $23.00 today)

Get Instant Access To The Course For $50 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start learning in the next 2 minutes.

Available For Instant Access

Here's Everything You're Getting
For Only $27.00 Today


Aim Higher Academy

The 20 hour course where you will learn the Aim Higher Marketing Academy system


Pre-Built High-Converting Appointment Funnel Template

You’re going to get our HIGHEST-CONVERTING appointment funnel.


Fill In The Gaps Copy

All you have to do is copy and paste and fill in the blanks.


10+ Proven Ad Templates

Get 10+ of our proven ad templates which are proven to deliver high-quality appointments.


Email Templates

Get ALL of our email templates we use. All you have to do is fill in the blanks!


Community Access

Get access to a community of like-minded Business Owners

Learn directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten."

Tony Robbins

DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement from Tony Robbins

Here's A Sneak Peek Of
What's Inside The
Members Area

"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

Walt Disney

DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement from Walt Disney

You're Also Getting...

Pre-Built High-Converting Appointment Funnel Template

You’re going to get our HIGHEST-CONVERTING appointment funnel.

Fill In The Gaps Copy

All you have to do is copy and paste and fill in the blanks.

Community Access

Get access to a community of likeminded Business Owners.

$985 Of Actionable Value!

(Yours For FREE When You Get The Aim Higher
Academy Course)

Aim Higher Academy Course

Aim Higher Academy Course ($197 Value)

The 20 hour course where you will learn the Aim Higher Marketing Academy system.

Bonus #1

Pre-Built High-Converting Appointment Funnel Template ($197 Value)

You’re going to get our HIGHEST-CONVERTING appointment funnel.

Bonus #2

Fill In The Gaps Copy ($97 Value)

All you have to do is copy and paste and fill in the blanks.

Bonus #3

10+ Proven Ad Templates ($497)

Get 10+ of our proven ad templates which are proven to deliver high-quality appointments.

Bonus #4

Email Templates ($97 Value)

Get ALL of our email templates we use. All you have to do is fill in the blanks

Bonus #5

Community Access ($97 Value)

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Frequently Asked Questions

This Aim Higher Academy special offer really is special. We wanted to make it so good that you’d feel stupid by not ordering it if having a predictable way to get hundreds of high-quality appointments every single month is of any interest to you. What you’ll get in this special offer includes the Aim Higher Academy, 10+ of our proven Ad Templates, Email templates, community access, appointment template and you get the Aim Higher Academy mentorship program included!

Yes. Nothing was held back while writing creating this course but for the people that want to further assistance we do offer opportunities to „upgrade“ your order after purchasing.

This course is designed for Business Owners who want a better way to get high-quality appointments booked directly into their calendars.

Aim Higher Academy is a course and a systematic approach to get hundreds of high-quality appointments every single month. It is not a fad that comes and goes. Aim Higher Academy is about the system to get actual appointments booked into your calendar, rather than spending your time „chasing clients“.

Generally all the other stuff out there teaches people how to get „Leads“. Aim Higher Marketing Academy is different because we don’t want you to get „Leads“. We want you to get actual appointments and inside this 20 hour course we give you the exact blueprint for you to achieve that.

Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it’s not for you. I even let you keep the course.

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All Rights Reserved


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IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

Earnings and income representations made by Aim Higher Marketing & Consulting Ltd, aimhighermarketing.academy, Aim Higher Marketing Academy, and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, „Aim Higher Marketing Academy“) are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Aim Higher Marketing and Consulting Ltd, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the Aim Higher Marketing and Consulting Ltd Programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

The Aim Higher Marketing Academy, and Aim Higher Marketing And Consulting Ltd, are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the Aim Higher Marketing Academy are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our Terms & Conditions for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions.

The Aim Higher Marketing Academy, including Aim Higher Marketing And Consulting, may receive compensation for products and services they recommend to you. Aim Higher Marketing And Consulting Ltd personally uses a recommended resource unless it states otherwise. If you do not want the Aim Higher Marketing Academy and Aim Higher Marketing And Consulting Ltd to be compensated for a recommendation, then we advise that you search online for the item through a non-affiliate link.

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